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News, crafts, recipes and more from the New England Confectionery Company (NECCO).

NECCO visits the Mittineague Elementary School!

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On Wednesday NECCO paid a special visit to the Mittineague Elementary School in Springfield, MA. The children in the school brought it to NECCO’s attention that their school-wide read, Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm, mentioned NECCO Wafers several times throughout the novel. The children explained that while reading they also investigated to learn more about NECCO, and they were so happy to find out NECCO was located in their state!

After hearing of their excitement, NECCO connected to arrange for a school visit! All the students from first to fifth grade came down to the classroom to read a selection of Turtle in Paradise and have some fun with NECCO! The students learned some  interesting historical facts about NECCO, such as “Did you know that NECCO was created in 1847?”, “Our founder, Oliver Chase, created the country’s first candy-making machine!”,  or “NECCO Wafers were given to soldiers as part of their rations during the Civil War and World War II!”

In addition to the fun tour of NECCO’s history, students were able to learn about how NECCO Wafers were made, including what are the ingredients and how the machines work.

Then they were treated to a surprise: NECCO brought along NECCO Wafer dough! Each student received a handful of the dough, which is the mixed ingredients to NECCO Wafers, and was able to have a blast creating their own yummy masterpieces!

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Some spelled out their name (or NECCO’s as shown above)…

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While others decided to make fun shapes and figures…


The room was abuzz with chatter and laughter as the children created and re-created wonderfully imaginative designs. Following their craft, each student was treated to a handful of the finished product.

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Overall, the school trip was an amazing one for NECCO, and it was an unforgettable experience to treat the students to a fun time of learning NECCO’s proud history and getting the chance to be a candy maker for the day!

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